
A “Secret Admirer” gift

The PMS DT decided to have a 'bonding' type swap.  We decided to do a Secret Santa, but with a Valentines theme, a Secret Admirer.  Oh my goodness it was so much fun!  Yesterday was the due day and today is the posting day.  I have done swaps kinda like this with a group of SU Demo's, and some other groups I have been in, but when I got this package the other day… I kid you not when I tell you I was speechless!!  This package was just amazing!


She made me 2 cards and there are 2 wrapped goodies.

The first wrapped goodie was this cute little tin of chocolates. Mmmmmm!!

This is the second wrapped prezzie.  Cute, huh?  Wait until you see what's inside…


Look at that yummy ribbon and those fun canvas tags!


Moretags in here, some embellies and a GREAT Stamp set!!
  That little package wrapped in ribbon is a bunch of pretty papers, and look at that book mark!!

Christi Snow made this package for me and OMG! does she just totally rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thanks Christi, not only did you make my day, but you've totally inspired me to work on some creative therapy!


 Happy Valentines Day, I'll be back a little later to show you what I've been working on 🙂

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