
Happy Peek day #2


 So… Did you totally love yesterday’s peeks?  Today we are peeking the Retail Therapy set
(and yup, it was illustrated by our own Shaela Odd).  I was so excited when I saw that my
assignment was to peek this purse, the idea’s were just coming at me so
quick!  Today I paper pieced it and added
LOTS and LOTS of bling!  The whole handle of the purse is teeny clear and baby blue rhinestones and the buckle of the purse is done with a bigger blue rhinestone and some Snickerdoodle Smooch…love it!!  I will be back with the rest of the ingredients, but the purse & sentiment are both from Retail Therapy by Paper Makeup Stamps.  Make sure you stop by the PMS Blog to see the rest of the DT's eye candy for this set.  We are still enjoying our mini-vacation in the gorgeous mountains… it is peaceful and beautiful and just sooo very relaxing.  Hope you are having a wonderful 4th weekend.  Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a fabulously inky weekend!

12 thoughts on “Happy Peek day #2

  1. I am drooling! Do you think I can find a big girl bag this darling? Wonderful job on this card, it’s gorgeous.


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